• K-O
      • 日本基恩士一(yī)體式(shì)智能相機 AI 拍攝(shè)照明單(dān)元(yuán)IV3-L6C OP-88644


      • 型號: 日(rì)本基恩士一體式智能相(xiàng)機 AI 拍攝照明單元(yuán)IV3-L6C OP-88644

      • 價格:¥5500.00

      • 發布時間(jiān):2025-2-6 10:10:12

      • 簡介: 日本基恩士一(yī)體式智能相機 AI 拍攝照(zhào)明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644日本基恩士一體式智能相機 AI 拍攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644日本基(jī)恩士一體式智能相機 AI 拍攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644日本基恩士(shì)一體(tǐ)式智能相(xiàng)機 AI 拍攝照明單元(yuán)IV3-L6C OP-88644日本基恩士一體式智能相機 AI 拍攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644

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      日本基恩士一體式智能相機 AI 拍攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644

      日本基恩士(shì)一體式智能相(xiàng)機 AI 拍攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644

      日本基恩士一體式(shì)智能相機 AI 拍攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644

      日本基恩士一體式智能(néng)相機 AI 拍攝照明單(dān)元(yuán)IV3-L6C OP-88644

      日本基恩士一體式智能相機 AI 拍(pāi)攝照明單元IV3-L6C OP-88644


      Photoelectric Sensors

      Photoelectric Sensors

      LR-X series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      LR-X100 Standard Model, Cable Type, 100mm range -
      LR-X100C Standard Model, M8 Connector Type, 100mm range -
      LR-X100CG Standard Model, M8 Connector Type (Guarded Cable), 100mm range -
      LR-X250 Standard Model, Cable Type, 250mm range -
      LR-X250C Standard Model, M8 Connector Type, 250mm range -
      LR-X250CG Standard Model, M8 Connector Type (Guarded Cable), 250mm range -
      LR-X50 Standard Model, Cable Type, 50mm range -
      LR-X50C Standard Model, M8 Connector Type, 50mm range -
      LR-X50CG Standard Model, M8 Connector Type (Guarded Cable), 50mm range -
      LR-XN11N Separate Amplifier Model, Amplifier Units Cable Type Main unit NPN -
      LR-XN11P Separate Amplifier Model, Amplifier Units Cable Type Main unit PNP -
      LR-XN12N Separate Amplifier Model, Amplifier Units Cable Type Expansion unit NPN -
      LR-XN12P Separate Amplifier Model, Amplifier Units Cable Type Expansion unit PNP -
      LR-XN10 Separate Amplifier Model, Amplifier Units Expansion unit (Zero Line Type) -
      LR-XN11C Separate Amplifier Model, Amplifier Units Main unit (M8 Connector Type) -
      LR-XH100 Separate Amplifier Model, Sensor Head, 100mm range, 2m Cable -
      LR-XH100(10M) Separate Amplifier Model, Sensor Head, 100mm range, 10m Cable -
      LR-XH250 Separate Amplifier Model, Sensor Head, 250mm range, 2m Cable -
      LR-XH250(10M) Separate Amplifier Model, Sensor Head, 250mm range, 10m Cable -
      LR-XH50 Separate Amplifier Model, Sensor Head, 50mm range, 2m Cable -
      LR-XH50(10M) Separate Amplifier Model, Sensor Head, 50mm range, 10m Cable -

      Back to top

      LR-Z series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      LR-ZB100C3P Rectangular w/ M8 connector Type, 100 mm -
      LR-ZB100CN Rectangular w/ M8 connector Type, 100 mm -
      LR-ZB100CP Rectangular w/ M8 connector Type, 100 mm -
      LR-ZB100N Rectangular w/ cable Type, 100 mm -
      LR-ZB100P Rectangular w/ cable Type, 100 mm -
      LR-ZB240CB M18 threaded mount w/ M12 connector type, 240 mm -
      LR-ZB250AN Rectangular w/ cable Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB250AP Rectangular w/ cable Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB250C3P Rectangular w/ M8 connector Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB250CN Rectangular w/ M8 connector Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB250CP Rectangular w/ M8 connector Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB250N Rectangular w/ cable Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB250P Rectangular w/ cable Type, 250 mm -
      LR-ZB90CB M18 threaded mount w/ M12 connector type, 90 mm -
      LR-ZH490CB M18 threaded mount w/ M12 connector type, 490 mm -
      LR-ZH500CN Rectangular w/ M8 connector type, 500 mm -
      LR-ZH500CP Rectangular w/ M8 connector type, 500 mm -
      LR-ZH500N Rectangular w/ cable type, 500 mm -
      LR-ZH500P Rectangular w/ cable type, 500 mm -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      LR-T series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      LR-TB2000 Detection distance 2 m, Cable, Laser Class 2 -
      LR-TB2000C Detection distance 2 m, Cable with connector M12, Laser Class 2 -
      LR-TB2000CL Detection distance 2 m, Cable with connector M12, Laser Class 1 -
      LR-TB5000 Detection distance 5 m, Cable, Laser Class 2 -
      LR-TB5000C Detection distance 5 m, Cable with connector M12, Laser Class 2 -
      LR-TB5000CL Detection distance 5 m, Cable with connector M12, Laser Class 1 -
      MU-N11 Multi-Sensor Controller, Main unit -
      MU-N12 Multi-Sensor Controller, Expansion Unit -

      Back to top

      PR-M/F series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PR-F51C3PD Flat Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 0.6m -
      PR-F51C3PL Flat Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 0.6m -
      PR-F51CN Flat Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 0.6m -
      PR-F51CP Flat Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 0.6m -
      PR-F51N1 Flat Transmissive Cable Type 0.6m -
      PR-F51N3 Flat Transmissive Cable Type 0.6m -
      PR-F51P3 Flat Transmissive Cable Type 0.6m -
      PR-FB15C3PL Flat Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 15mm -
      PR-FB15CN Flat Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 15mm -
      PR-FB15CP Flat Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 15mm -
      PR-FB15N1 Flat Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 15mm -
      PR-FB15N3 Flat Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 15mm -
      PR-FB15P3 Flat Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 15mm -
      PR-FB30C3PL Flat Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 30mm -
      PR-FB30CN Flat Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 30mm -
      PR-FB30CP Flat Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 30mm -
      PR-FB30N1 Flat Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 30mm -
      PR-FB30N3 Flat Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 30mm -
      PR-FB30P3 Flat Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 30mm -
      PR-M51C3PD Mini-slim Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 1.2m -
      PR-M51C3PL Mini-slim Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 1.2m -
      PR-M51CN Mini-slim Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 1.2m -
      PR-M51CP Mini-slim Transmissive M8 Connector Type, 1.2m -
      PR-M51N1 Mini-slim Transmissive Cable Type 1.2m -
      PR-M51N3 Mini-slim Transmissive Cable Type 1.2m -
      PR-M51P3 Mini-slim Transmissive Cable Type 1.2m -
      PR-MB15C3PL Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 15mm -
      PR-MB15CN Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 15mm -
      PR-MB15CP Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 15mm -
      PR-MB15N1 Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 15mm -
      PR-MB15N3 Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 15mm -
      PR-MB15P3 Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 15mm -
      PR-MB30C3PL Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 30mm -
      PR-MB30CN Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 30mm -
      PR-MB30CP Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) M8 Connector Type, 30mm -
      PR-MB30N1 Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 30mm -
      PR-MB30N3 Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 30mm -
      PR-MB30P3 Mini-slim Reflective (Background suppression) Cable Type 30mm -

      Back to top

      PR-G series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PR-G41CBL M18 Threaded type diffuse reflective M12 Connector Type, 500 mm -
      PR-G41CP Rectangular Diffuse Reflective Type M8 Connector Type, 500 mm -
      PR-G41N Rectangular Diffuse Reflective Type Cable Type 500 mm -
      PR-G51C3PD Rectangular Thrubeam M8 3-pin Connector Type, 30 m -
      PR-G51CBD M18 Threaded type Thrubeam M12 Connector Type, 30 m -
      PR-G51CN Rectangular Thrubeam M8 Connector Type, 30 m -
      PR-G51CP Rectangular Thrubeam M8 Connector Type, 30 m -
      PR-G51N Rectangular Thrubeam Cable Type 30 m -
      PR-G51P Rectangular Thrubeam Cable Type 30 m -
      PR-G61C3PD Square retro-reflective M8 3-pin Connector Type, 4.2 m -
      PR-G61CBD M18 Threaded type Retro-reflective M12 Connector Type, 4.2 m -
      PR-G61CP Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, 4.2m -
      PR-G61N Square retro-reflective Cable Type 4.2m -
      PR-G61P Square retro-reflective Cable Type 4.2m -

      Back to top

      PZ-G series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PZ-G101B Threaded mount Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G101CB Threaded mount Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G101CN Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G101CP Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G101EN Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G101EP Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G101N Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G101P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G102B Threaded mount Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G102CB Threaded mount Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G102CN Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G102CP Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G102EN Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G102EP Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G102N Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G102P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G41B Threaded mount Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G41CB Nut type Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G41CN Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G41CP Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G41EN Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G41EP Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G41N Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G41P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G42B Threaded mount Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G42CB Threaded mount Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G42CN Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G42CP Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G42EN Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G42EP Square Reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G42N Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G42P Rectangular Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G51B Threaded mount Thrubeam Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G51CB Threaded mount Thrubeam M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G51CN Square Transmissive M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G51CP Square Transmissive M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G51EN Square Transmissive M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G51EP Square Transmissive M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G51N Square Transmissive Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G51P Square Transmissive Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G52B Threaded mount Thrubeam Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G52CB Threaded mount Thrubeam M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G52CN Square Transmissive M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G52CP Square Transmissive M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G52EN Square Transmissive M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G52EP Square Transmissive M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G52N Square Transmissive Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G52P Square Transmissive Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G61B Threaded mount Retro-reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G61CB Nut type Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN + PNP -
      PZ-G61CN Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G61CP Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G61EN Square retro-reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G61EP Square retro-reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G61N Square retro-reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G61P Square retro-reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-G62B Threaded mount Retro-reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G62CB Threaded mount Retro-reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G62CN Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-G62CP Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-G62EN Square retro-reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, NPN -
      PZ-G62EP Square retro-reflective M12 Connector Type with Cable, PNP -
      PZ-G62N Square retro-reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-G62P Square retro-reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PZ-V/M series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PZ-M11 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M11P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-M12 Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M12P Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M13 Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M13P Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M15 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M31 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M31P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-M32 Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M32P Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M33 Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M33P Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M35 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M35P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-M51 Square Transmissive Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M51P Square Transmissive Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-M52 Square Transmissive M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M52P Square Transmissive M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M53 Square Transmissive M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M53P Square Transmissive M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M61 Square retro-reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M61P Square retro-reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-M62 Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M62P Square retro-reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M63 Square retro-reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M63P Square retro-reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M65 Square retro-reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M71 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-M71P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-M72 Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M72P Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M73 Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-M73P Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-M75 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-V11 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-V11P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-V12 Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-V12P Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-V13 Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-V13P Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-V15 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-V31 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-V31P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-V32 Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-V32P Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-V33 Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-V33P Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-V35 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-V35P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-V71 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      PZ-V71P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP -
      PZ-V72 Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-V72P Square Reflective M8 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-V73 Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, NPN -
      PZ-V73P Square Reflective M12 Connector Type, PNP -
      PZ-V75 Square Reflective Cable Type, NPN -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PX series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PX-10 Amplifier Unit, Cable Type, NPN -
      PX-10C Amplifier Unit, Connector Type, NPN -
      PX-10CP Amplifier Unit, Connector Type, PNP -
      PX-10P Amplifier Unit, Cable Type, PNP -
      PX-H61 Reflective Sensor Head -
      PX-H61G Reflective Sensor Head -
      PX-H71 Transmissive Sensor Head -
      PX-H71G Transmissive Sensor Head -
      PX-H71TZ Transmissive Sensor Head -
      PX-H72 Transmissive Sensor Head -
      PX-H72G Transmissive Sensor Head -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PS-N series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PS-N10 Amplifier Unit, Zero-line Expansion Unit -
      PS-N11CN Amplifier Unit, M8 Connector Type, Main Unit, NPN -
      PS-N11CP Amplifier Unit, M8 Connector Type, Main Unit, PNP -
      PS-N11N Amplifier Unit, Cable Type, Main Unit, NPN -
      PS-N11P Amplifier Unit, Cable Type, Main Unit, PNP -
      PS-N12CN Amplifier Unit, M8 Connector Type, Expansion Unit, NPN -
      PS-N12CP Amplifier Unit, M8 Connector Type, Expansion Unit, PNP -
      PS-N12N Amplifier Unit, Cable Type, Expansion Unit, NPN -
      PS-N12P Amplifier Unit, Cable Type, Expansion Unit, PNP -
      FS-MC8N Multi-Output Units NPN -
      FS-MC8P Multi-Output Units PNP -
      PS-05 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Free-positioning -
      PS-201 Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-201C Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-202 Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Aperture-incorporated -
      PS-205 Reflective Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-206 Reflective Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Narrow View Area -
      PS-45 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-46 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-47 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Small Spot -
      PS-47C Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Small Spot -
      PS-48 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Cylindrical -
      PS-49 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-49C Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-52 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-52C Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-55 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-55C Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-56 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-58 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Cylindrical -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PZ2 series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PZ-101 series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PS-T series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PS-T0 Amplifier Unit, Zero-line Expansion Unit -
      PS-T1 Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, NPN -
      PS-T1P Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, PNP -
      PS-T2 Amplifier Unit, Expansion Unit, NPN -
      PS-T2P Amplifier Unit, Expansion Unit, PNP -
      PS-05 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Free-positioning -
      PS-201 Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-201C Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-202 Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Aperture-incorporated -
      PS-205 Reflective Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-206 Reflective Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Narrow View Area -
      PS-45 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-46 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-47 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Small Spot -
      PS-47C Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Small Spot -
      PS-48 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Cylindrical -
      PS-49 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-49C Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-52 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-52C Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-55 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-55C Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-56 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-58 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Cylindrical -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PS series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      PS-25 Amplifier Unit, DC Type, NPN -
      PS-X28 Amplifier Unit, DC Type, NPN -
      PS2-61 Amplifier Unit, DC Type, NPN -
      PS2-61P Amplifier Unit, DC Type, PNP -
      PS-05 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Free-positioning -
      PS-201 Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-201C Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-202 Transmissive Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Aperture-incorporated -
      PS-205 Reflective Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Long-distance -
      PS-206 Reflective Sensor Head, Environment-resistant Type, Narrow View Area -
      PS-45 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-46 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-47 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Small Spot -
      PS-47C Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Small Spot -
      PS-48 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Cylindrical -
      PS-49 Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-49C Reflective Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-52 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-52C Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-55 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-55C Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Long-distance -
      PS-56 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Thin -
      PS-58 Transmissive Sensor Head, General-purpose Type, Cylindrical -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PQ series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PW series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PG series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      PZ series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      Color Sensors

      LR-W series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      LR-W500 Cable type -
      LR-W500C M12 connector type -
      LR-W70 Small/Dual Spot Type Cable type -
      LR-W70C Small/Dual Spot Type M12 connector 4pin type -
      LR-WF10 Fiber type Cable type -
      LR-WF10C Fiber type M12 connector 4pin type -
      MU-N11 Multi-Sensor Controller, Main unit -
      MU-N12 Multi-Sensor Controller, Expansion Unit -

      Back to top

      CZ-V20 series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      CZ-V21A Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, NPN -
      CZ-V21AP Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, PNP -
      CZ-V22A Amplifier Unit, Expansion Unit, NPN -
      CZ-V22AP Amplifier Unit, Expansion Unit, PNP -
      CZ-H32 Reflective Sensor Head, Variable Spot -
      CZ-H35S Reflective Sensor Head with Shine Cancellation -
      CZ-H37S Reflective Sensor Head with Shine Cancellation, Small Spot -
      CZ-H52 Reflective Sensor Head, Phosphor Detection Type -
      CZ-H72 Reflective Sensor Head, Gloss Determination Type -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -
      Model Model Name Notice
      CZ-K1 Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, NPN -
      CZ-K1P Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, PNP -
      OP-5148 PNP Adapter -

      Back to top

      Pattern Matching Sensor

      AI series

      Model List

      Model Model Name Notice
      AI-1000 Separate Amplifier Model: Amplifier, Cable Type, for AI-H -
      AI-1000C Separate Amplifier Model: Amplifier, Connector Type, for AI-H -
      AI-B050 Built-in Amplifier Model: 50mm -
      AI-B100 Built-in Amplifier Model: 100mm -
      AI-B160 Built-in Amplifier Model: 160mm -
      AI-H010 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 10 mm -
      AI-H020 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 20 mm -





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